Tuesday, July 5, 2016

It's A Short Hike Up A Volcano!

Wednesday, June 22

In our last day together as the Teachers for Global Classrooms Philippines group, we decided to hike up a volcano...actually it was already planned, but it sounds cooler the way I said it!  The Taal Volcano is a volcano within Lake Taal which is actually the crater lake formed by another larger volcano.

It is the world's smallest active volcano and I hiked it!  We were told by Alix, our in-country host, and our tour guide that this was going to be an easy 45-minute hike to the top.  I should say that Alix later confessed he had never hiked to the top and last year's TGC fellows all rode horses up to the top!  The people who live around the volcano have turned it into a tourist destination by providing guides, horses, and refreshment.  When I spoke to my guide about it, he said it was a part of the national government's push to increase ecotourism.  While hiking up a volcano is an eco-friendly activity, the amount of trash that tourists are leaving behind and the methods being used to get rid of the trash are destroying the pristine landscape of Taal.  Our hike was definitely not an easy 45-minute hike up the volcano, but the view at the top was so worth it.

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